I can write here, because no one reads my thoughts.

This little blog is not used as much as my onecameraonelens site, although it really should be as my mind is always exploding with things to say. I had an experience lately, that turned into another experience. At 53 years of age, I never thought I would have felt like this, but it happened.

And after I wrote all this, I deleted it. Afraid that saying I felt “bullied” in recent weeks and that even after telling people it made no difference as I’m an adult and life must go on without a care for how I actually feel.

(I’ll write this again one day).


  1. Bushcrafter says:

    That must not have been a nice experience, take care Mark !

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Angela Zapettis says:

    I thought something had rattled you. It’s sad that some people don’t understand the power of their cutting words. All we can do is ignore that behaviour, be the better person and rise above them. All the best Mark. X


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