My Top 10 Albums That have Been A Big Part Of My Life

I love my music, regardless if it’s listening to albums, listening to playlists or listening to the radio. I have music playing in every room I go into, it’s the one pleasure I have that can be a constant in my life, from my early years right up to newer music from recent years.

I have listed my top 10 albums that I love, and they feel like a part of my life. Outside these albums, I listen to a large variety of music, not just these artists or genres. So, in no particular order, here are my top ten albums that have been a big part of my life.

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Beach Boys – Pet Sounds

It seems the obvious choice to choose Pet Sounds by The Beach Boys for my top ten. As possibly my very favourite group, The Beach Boys released so many great signs. From the simple surr music (which I love), to this outstanding piece of lush orchestration and harmonies and beyond to the more rock and pop sounds. The Beach Boys have been a part of my life since my early teens and my discovery of surf music (a genre I adore and play often) that I discovered after watching Dead Mans Curve, the Jan & Dean story on TV that my father had recorded one night.

Pet Sounds is an album full of remarkable music, is all very melancholy, filled with songs about love, romance, youth and loss of innocence. It’s beautiful in every way, however it was not an album I fell in love with straight away. I remember buying the album, coming back from a short camping trip with my dad. I played it once I got home and I was not impressed with it as it wasn’t the sound of surf music that I knew and loved. I liked the singles from the album, but that was that. Months later, I played it again, and then weeks later again, until after a period of a year or so, Pet Sounds just clicked with me, and remains one of my most played albums ever.

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Orchestral Manoeuvres In The Dark – Crush

OMD came to light in the early 80s as a synth pop band, and I fist heard of them with their 1988 album The Best Of Orchestral Manoeuvres In The Dark. I played that album to death, and I still do, but it is the OMD album Crush that I really love more than any of their others. Crush is the perfect synth pop album, full of pretty pop songs, some experimental pop and hit singles Secret, So In Love and Hold You. Its just such a journey to listen to, that even after all these year from when it was released in 1985, it sounds fresh and interesting.

OMD were, and are a band that make heavy use of synthesizers. They definitely have a sound of their own, and even with the music they release today, you instantly know that it is OMD when you listen. There is something about their industrial sound, the vocals of Andy McClusky and Paul Humphreys and the sound effects and experimentation they use, that make OMD one of my top 5 favourite artists.

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Beatles – Rubber Soul

The Beatles were great, and recorded some of the best music ever released. People will argue over which is the best Beatles album, many will say Sgt Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band, while others Revolver. For me, it’s the album that started to show change in The Beatles, an album that seen them turn from a simple and endearing pop band, into a more experimental and rocky sounding band. Rubber Soul was a milestone, and for me the pinnacle of Beatles music. It was the perfect transition, a sound of a band maturing and becoming more than a sum of their parts.

My love of the album comes from the fact that of all my mother’s and father’s old vinyl records, this one just stood out when we spent hours playing through the remnants of their collections. The album cover was cool, the mono mix was a sonic treat and there was a selection of songs for every feeling and mood. To me back then, it was the perfect album, and that feeling has not changed.

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Mary Chapin Carpenter – The Essential

Mary Chapin Carpenter is an American singer/songwriter who happened to become famous during the 1990s when New Country music started being popular around the World. Of all the music from that time, it was Mary who really captured my attention as, although shown on Country Music Television, her sound was somewhat different to the other artists of the time, and it really struck a chord with me. I bought all her albums throughout the 90s, and she had continued to release albums up until recently.

With so many great albums, it’s the Greatest Hits “The Essential Mary Chapin Carpenter” that is my go to album these days for Mary’s music. It covers all the important songs from her catalogue, and it’s just a fantastic listen in every respect. That said, her latest album, The Dirt And The Stars from 2020 is another album of hers that I listen to a lot. However, you can’t go wrong with the Hits album, and it’s an album that I can never tire of.

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Elvis Presley – From Elvis In Memphis

It goes without saying that everyone knows who Elvis Presley is. You only have to utter the name Elvis, or play one of his hot records and everyone instantly recognises him. Most people will probably have his compilations, but Elvis did release some iconic albums, including his debut album which is regarded as a rock and roll masterpiece and must-have record that inspired everyone thereafter, as well as the 68 Comeback Special and Aloha From Hawaii, the first internationally transmitted rock concert performance. For me however, From Elvis In Memphis stands head and shoulders above the majority of his other work, and is an album I’ve played hundreds of times over the years.

My love affair with Elvis is a bit of a blur if I’m honest. I remember going through my mother’s record collection and playing Rock-A-Hula Baby over and over again but when I actually started really getting into Elvis and collecting his music, I really don’t know. He seems to have always been with me, in music or film. I bought all his albums at the point, but these days, just like everything else on this list, I now stream him and his music. From Elvis In Memphis is absolutely full of amazing songs, with amazing musicianship and it sounds absolutely timeless.

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Duran Duran – Duran Duran (1981)

Who doesn’t love Duran Duran? They’re a band who have been releasing records since the early 1980s and they’ve had so many classic hit records. They were the leaders of the New Wave sound, and combined synths along with guitars and drums for a sound that is… Duran Duran. A beautiful mix is rock, pop, synth and so much more. I fell in love with them through my sister being a massive Duran Duran fan, and I didn’t own any of their albums for many years after their initial success, but that was ok, as my sister played them a lot!

Duran Duran’s debut album is an album that changed the landscape of music. It is full of music that pushes music, lyric and arrangement boundaries. It’s smart, it’s classy and in some places very sleazy. It’s an epic album that really should be in everyone’s collection.

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Jan & Dean – Ride The Wild Surf

Ever since I was around 11 or 12, I’ve been in love with the music of Jan & Dean. The funny thing is, when I mention them over here in the Uk, hardly anyone knows them, and when I play them their music, people always say “oh, it’s just The Beach Boys”. However, Jan & Dean came along well before The Beach Boys, scoring hits with doo-wop records such as Baby Talk and Heat And Soul.

For me, of all the album’s and singles released by Jan & Dean, it is Ride The Wild Surf which is my favourite. Its a solid album of surf music, and the sound of summer. To the untrained ear, you may think it is The Beach Boys, but the sound is so very different. Jan Berry was as much as a genius in the studio as Brian Wilson was, and listening throughout the duos catalogue, you’ll find some amazing production values and some of the greatest songs ever recorded.

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The Sweet – The Very Best Of

I was quite late getting into The Sweet, and it’s only in recent years that I’ve come to appreciate them and their music. I’ve always enjoyed the Glam Rock scene, and some of my first memories are of me singing Glam Rock songs watching Top Of The Pops.

The Sweet have a really good catalogue of music, with some fantastic albums such as Desolation Boulevard, Sweet Fanny Adams and Identity Crisis. It would have been so easy to choose any of those albums (and more), but The Sweet Greatest Hits is such a collection of absolute amazing rock songs, that for me, it’s the album of choice wherever I want a quick blast of some perfect rock music

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The Byrds -Untitled/Unissued

What can you say about The Byrds that hasn’t been said before? They are one of the greatest bands ever to have recorded music. From their earliest incarnations they had something about them. The sound of the 12-string guitar changed the sound of pop and rock music forever, and many bands, including The Beatles tried to emulate them.

For me though, as much as I love every single album they released (and they released some of the best albums of the 1960s with Mr Tambourine Man, Fifth Dimension, Sweetheart Of the Rodeo and so many more), Untitled/Unissued just resonates with me. From the live tracks on the first album which are fantastic, to the sound on the studio album side. Beautiful in every way (and no doubt controversial to Byrds fans!)

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Buddy Holly – The Chirping Crickets

I remember the moment I fell in love with Buddy Hollys music, just like the situation with Jan & Dean, my dad had recorded a film on TV called “The Buddy Holly Story”, I watched it, and I fell in love with the music. It was a film that really started me exploring Buddy’s music, and rock ‘n roll music in general. Little did I know at that point, how important Buddy and his band The Crickets were. They set up the self-contained unit, they pioneered techniques that would be used by every artist after their invention.

The Chirping Crickets is an album opens with “Oh Boy on side one and That’ll Be The Day on side two, that alone tells you the quality of one of the greatest albums in rock ‘n’ roll history. For me, Buddy Holly is the staring point for all listeners when it comes to modern music. Every song is carefully crafted, if simplistic by todays standards, but they tell a story, not just the lyrics, but the production and techniques behind them.

And as a bonus, because this could not be left out, I have included another album…

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Dean Martin – The Capitol & Reprise Years Vol 1

I’m not sure how I came into hearing Dean Martin. I’m guessing that perhaps there was some interest and a great promotion at some time of his music. However I discovered him, if ever I want to chill, I simply put on one of his albums and all my troubles simply disappear. His voice… oooh! His voice is just so soothing, and his laid back style is beautifil.

This album really is The Very Best, it has almost all his from both periods of his music. That’s Amore, Gentle On My Mind, Return To Me, Rio Bravo, Kiss, I Will, Everybody Loves Somebody and so much more. Dean Martin really was the leader of the pack. I know many people love Frank Sinatra, but he really doesn’t do it for me. It is Dean Martin, and always will be. The voice, the humour and the style.

Of course, I listen to a lot more music than this, and there are quite a few honourable mentions that I can make that didn’t make my top 10 this time, but have done in the past, and will no doubt in the future! Just like everything, listening habits change, not a lot, but they do change!

Honourable mentions

Erasure – Wild: An amazing album, that I love to listen to at full volume! The Pop! Hits album is also worth listening to.

Madonna – The Immaculate Collection: Madonna released so many great album, Ture Blue, Like A Prayer, Madonna, True Blue, Ray Of Light… But its the Immaculate Collection that is all you really need!

Bebe Rexha: No album for this one, even though she has released a few. I just love her music and her musical journey. Click on her name and discover some real talent. She has written hit songs for many of todays artists, and has great music herself!

The Turtles – Battle Of The Bands: An album that I just can not bear to leave off a list of great albums, The Turtles, for all their great music, released this album and it blew me away! So many great songs that you will know and love!


  1. Marc R. says:

    Even though I’m older, I’m not a big fan of Dean Martin, Elvis, Beatles or Beach Boys – but I do like OMD, Sweet, Duran Duran and many others from the same era.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Mark G.Adams says:

      Music makes the world go around 🎉 it is great that everyone’s tastes are so different.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Marc R. says:

        Totally correct ! otherwise it would just get boring. Have a nice weekend Mark !

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Fabulous collection of music that include a few of my favorites.🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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