A Life Update

For almost a decade, during my spare time I have run free photography and social groups, bringing people together in this area. I’ve never asked anything from it, always willingly sharing knowledge, advice, my time when called on and so much more.

Over this time I’ve met fabulous people, friends for life, as well as of course people who have just used me. This is expected, and I’ve just carried on giving to those who have been there for me.

Anyway, this last few months, things have been changing. I’ve been doing things more and more for myself, and making much more progress with my photography, my social life and much more.

Going forward, I’ll still keep things ticking over, because there are people who enjoy meeting up and chatting, taking photos or just experiencing something different. However, I’m putting myself first much more, and hopefully those I’ve helped over the years, will be there if I need them, and understand that sometimes, I just need to put me first.

Originally shared on social media

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